CHEQS Commission for Higher Education Quality Standards

CHEQS Commission for Higher Education – Quality Standards – Certification Accreditation

The CHEQS Commission for Higher Education Quality Standards has its beginnings in the chartered leadership institute of 1996 which focused on business principles. The focus of the CHEQS is as a global accreditation body which recognizes professional development, education & skills obtained from accredited courses, accredited program exams, and accredited college education programs.

The CHEQS is EU and USA based, accredited in Europe, and recognizes hundreds of educational and training bodies using ISO 21001 and ISO 29993 Standards.

There are no higher standards than our policies and alliances with the:  ACBSP, TUV, ISO Standards, Arab Academy, ESQ Europe, SIS Cert and others.  We recognize your existing courses which include government recognized education and exams and our quality management board evaluates educational programs for accreditation based on these standards and criteria for certification.

We select the best of breed companies to accredit for PD Professional Development and VIP Education Worldwide. In this way, graduates of your courses will be recognized globally for quality standards. All members of the CHEQS agree to the standards as written on this website.

Higher education standards are crucial for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of academic programs. Here are 20 key factors that contribute to higher education standards:

  1. Accreditation: Institutions and programs should be accredited by recognized accrediting bodies to ensure they meet specific quality standards.
  2. Curriculum Design: A well-structured and up-to-date curriculum that aligns with the program’s objectives and industry requirements.
  3. Learning Outcomes: Clearly defined learning outcomes that articulate what students are expected to achieve upon completing the program.
  4. Qualified Faculty: Highly qualified and experienced faculty members with relevant academic and professional backgrounds.
  5. Teaching Methods: Effective teaching methodologies that engage students and promote active learning.
  6. Research and Scholarship: Encouragement and support for faculty research and scholarly activities to contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
  7. Student Support Services: Adequate support services such as academic advising, counseling, and career guidance to assist students throughout their academic journey.
  8. Assessment and Evaluation: Ongoing assessment of student performance and program effectiveness to ensure continuous improvement.
  9. Resources and Facilities: Sufficient resources, including libraries, laboratories, and technology, to support academic endeavors.
  10. Diversity and Inclusion: Creating an inclusive environment that embraces diversity and promotes equal opportunities for all students.
  11. Ethical Conduct: Fostering a culture of academic integrity and ethical behavior among students and faculty.
  12. Student Engagement: Opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations that enhance their personal and professional development.
  13. Quality Assurance: Implementing quality assurance processes to monitor and maintain the standards of education offered.
  14. Recognition of Prior Learning: Providing mechanisms to recognize and credit prior learning and work experience.
  15. Student Success Initiatives: Programs designed to enhance student retention, graduation rates, and overall success.
  16. Collaboration with Industries: Partnerships with industries to ensure that academic programs are aligned with the needs of the job market.
  17. Technology Integration: Integrating technology effectively into the learning process to enhance education delivery and prepare students for the digital age.
  18. Global Perspective: Incorporating global perspectives and cross-cultural understanding in the curriculum.
  19. Institutional Governance: Effective governance and leadership to ensure sound decision-making and accountability.
  20. Continuous Improvement: A commitment to continuous improvement based on feedback from students, faculty, alumni, and external stakeholders.